Camisetas LIGUE 1 Navegación de entradas Thierry Henry on why Spanish footballers seem to be the smartest in the world 🇪🇸 Morocco vs Spain World Cup Penalty Shootout
Es evidente que Inglaterra tiene un problema de autoestima cada vez que se enfrenta a España y luchan por no mostrarlo. Responder
It is delusional. Premier league’s commercial success make them think english players are the best but there is only one trophy (1966) at all.. LOL Responder
A mata se le a olvidado ser parcial
Es evidente que Inglaterra tiene un problema de autoestima cada vez que se enfrenta a España y luchan por no mostrarlo.
Inglish or spanish
Bro yamal a s better😢
Si pero España ganó la Eurocopa
pos pa casita en la eurocopa
Spain is verry beterr than England
2-1 shut up England 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤬
Never let mata rate again
Se nota que son ingleses dios santo
Bro tryna be nonchalant asf
He cheated, only went for spanish players
creo que se han olvidado de que les hemos ganado en la euro jajaja
English or spenish
England never wins a trophy but has the "best" players
This video is basically.. where do you come from
It is delusional. Premier league’s commercial success make them think english players are the best but there is only one trophy (1966) at all.. LOL
Who's here after the last minute winner by Olyzargby 2-1
English to Spanish
Hes welsh isn't he?😂😂
Palmer, Bellingham and Kane. Every other position should have been Spain
The English delusion lives on
Esto es lo que pasa si pones solo a ingleses
World Cup next year can’t wait
Such stupid fans
yamal is the best
Rice is far more better than the robber😂 ohh nah the camera man 😂
Yamal over saka is the worst take I have seen
Fotball fan ❌
England fan✅
Mata clearly knows f all