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Let’s talk about Janice Soprano, sister of Tony and Barbara. There’s quite a lot to say, and in this video, I take a deeper dive into her story throughout the series. I hope you enjoy it and would love to hear your thoughts on Janice/Parvati and anything else related to The Sopranos!

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All videos, images, and graphics contained in the video belong to HBO.

28 comentarios en «Janice Soprano – A Deep Dive Through Her Story #TheSopranos»
  1. Jeeze That Interaction between Ralph and Janice made Ralph look like the Stable One. He apologizes for not taking off his shoes and She Yells and pushes him down the stairs.

    I think Janice was just angling to Make herself as comfortable as Possible. I don't know if she actually Cared about any of the People she was involved with.

  2. Molto bene…..Aida did such a great job playing Janice……Janice…..oh poor Janice….."you're just here to pick the friggin bones….." Tony was correct here…..such dysfunction……sad but true….carry on, my Superfan…😎✌️🇮🇹

  3. In a lot of ways the shows characters change but they stay the same..I call it contradictory change.If anything they reveal more of their true nature over the seasons..Janis isnt any different..Its what makes the characters complex and the show so great..

  4. What can Janice do? Tony is dead at the end, nobody in the family can stand her or has any loyalty to her. She would sell the house and move her kids back to Seattle or something. It would be fun to see a sequel where she tries to take over the family with the aid of Tony's kids but that would be silly.

  5. Love this seep dive. I fcking love janice. She is the hardest working lazy person ever. Furniture mover and many others. The amount of work she puts in to get bobby was spectacular. Her immmediate transformation from rebel hippie to italian homemaker is just great.
    We need a spinoff prequel of Janice and Eugene in europe.

  6. Aida. Much like Jerry Stiller.. it's always fun to watch someone you know to be a warm lovely talented person playing a total cantankerous a hole lol.

    Janice always stuck out to me as someone who showed the massive struggle to not be like your parent. In many ways, Janice is much more a complete person than Livia..

    Yet the 'dna' always shows up at the worst possible time to complicate even the most simple interactions.

  7. People think Livia is the worst person on the show. But people overlook janice hard-core. She is self centered. Selfish. And a user of people. Look at what she did to bobby and Ritchie. She abused tonys power. And is just over all a shitty person

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