Camisetas CROACIA
– Behind the Scenes:

– Hexagons are the Bestagons shirt:

## Special Thanks

Professor Dave Explains
London Maths
David Sheard

## Crowdfunders

Steven Snow, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, BN-12 , Ben Delo, Bobby , Chris Chapin, Richard Jenkins, Phil Gardner, Martin, Steven Grimm, سليمان العقل, David F Watson, Colin Millions, Ben Schwab, Saki Comandao, Jason Lewandowski, Marco Arment, Shantanu Raj, rictic , emptymachine , George Lin, Henry Ng, Thunda Plum, Awoo , David Tyler, Fuesu , iulus , Jordan Earls, Joshua Jamison, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Tyler Bryant, Oliver Steele, Andrew Bereza, Kermit Norlund, Kevin Costello, Rebecca Wortham, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Mikko , Orbit_Junkie , Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Bryan McLemore, Kyle Wayman, Alex Simonides, Felix Weis, Melvin Sowah, Christopher Mutchler, Giulio Bontadini, Paul Alom, Ryan Tripicchio, Scot Melville, Julien Dubois, Bear , chrysilis , David Palomares, Emil , Erik Parasiuk, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, John Rogers, Leon , Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami , Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Elizabeth Keathley, and Nicholas Welna

## Music

David Rees:

Por CGP Grey

38 comentarios en «Hexagons are the Bestagons»
  1. If you think the square root of 2 is gross, you should see the hexagon area formula: A = 3*square root of 3/2*a^2 Although hexagons are still the bestagons, the hexagon area formula is more gross than the square root of 2.

  2. Slight argument here, hexagons are not always best for games, they usually are, but if the game’s mechanics rely on the unbalanced nature of square movement (say, chess for a normal person game, or Icon if you wanna go for a tabletop rpg) it’s using that square system to its advantage and honestly loses some of its greatness switching over to a hexagonal board.

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