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#TearsOfTheKingdom #ep27 #LaziestManAlive

44 comentarios en «We ride tonight, BONE HORSES! | Tears of The Kingdom [27]»
  1. Honestly anytime I hear the Grumps talk about horses it just makes me wanna see them do a horse outing for the Power Hour! Brushing horses, learning how to ride 'em, feeding them lil treats, it's a sure thing they'd have a blast!

  2. Allow me to introduce something i havent seen here yet:

    The fact that Arin wastes all his horse spurrs by spamming them when he could run like 3x longer if he just spaced them out.

    Hurts my soul 😭😭

  3. 20:20, "there's gotta be a lot of these gloom blooms down here… Y'know, those light up stations? I think there's a lot of them"
    so… every shrine on the surface (not sky islands) has a Lightroot right below it in the depths. so if you are looking for shrines, look for light roots and there is a shrine right above it! and vice versa. if you are having trouble finding a Lightroot in the depths, look at the surface map and see if there is a shrine you have found that is over an area not mapped in the depths (that said, the Brightroots are often times significantly easier to find than the shrines, since they are hidden less often and literally glow in the dark (like, there are maybe 2 or 3 that i found tucked away somewhere that is not out in an open field))

    Also, the light rood has the same name as the associated shrine, but backwards (so as an example, "Wyrdbuts'tuf" Shrine is right above the "fut'stubdryw" Lightroot)

  4. I can’t imagine the surprise and joy that the guys will experience when they realize that all the lightroots are directly underneath all the shrines on the surface, and that the names of each lightroot are just the names of the shrines backwards

  5. BotW was one of my all time favourite game grumps series ever.
    TotK is turning out to be one of my most hated. You don't have to play a game the "right" way, that's the point of open world. but EVERY. SINGLE. THING. About how Arin is doing this is literally painful to watch.
    he NEEDS to play TotK on his own switch in his house in his own time, alone, to fully grasp all the shit he somehow inadvertedly dodged like his life depended on it.

  6. Someone tell him to stop wasting arrows. He learned how to throw things, so he has no reason to attach things to arrows to hit things at point-blank. Even if he needs to shoot something at a distance, he needs to be using eyes or wings to get the range

  7. It's very ironic that he wants a stamina build meanwhile playing in the most wild, frantic, irresponsible way one could play in regards to unnecessary damage taken. It ain't even about "Playing Correctly" but more about just what dan said in an early episode, stamina won't be much help if all it takes is one or two wacks to kill you.

  8. I’ve very recently discovered GameGrumps content and have become a big fan! I was so excited to hear you’re coming up to Anchorage, AK that my best friend and I immediately got tickets. Take care and safe travels to you and your crew – me and my fellow nerds look forward to having you 🤓

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